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BA501 : The Class : Stats : Continuous : Excel and Equations
Continuous Probability- Excel and Equations
§ Excel and Equations §

Excel- commands used in this topic (Excel in Office 97 and Office 2000)

§ Probability of x values (left tail) §

§ Probability of x values (right  tail) §

§ Probability of z values (left tail) §

§ Probability of z values (right tail) §

§ x value associated with a given probability (left tail) §

§ x value associated with a given probability (right tail) §

§ z value associated with a given probability (left tail) §

§ z value associated with a given probability (right tail) §

§ Standardize § Equations §

1. Probability of x values (from left tail)

For the probability (left tail) of a range of x values in the Normal distribution: Paste Function-Statistical-Normdist (cumulative = true yields the cumulative probability; cumulative = false yields the probability mass function.)


2. Probability of x values (right tail)

For the probability (right tail) of a range of x values in the Normal distribution: Paste Function-Statistical-Normdist (cumulative = true yields the cumulative probability; cumulative = false yields the probability mass function.). Then in another cell put =1 - (cell reference to Normdist). Copy and paste that formula into the cells adjacent to each x. See Probability of x values (left tail) above.



3.  Probability of z values (left tail)

For the cumulative probability (left tail) of a range of z values in the Standard Normal distribution: Paste Function-Statistical-Normsdist. Copy and paste that formula into the cells adjacent to each Z.


4.  Probability of z values (right tail)

For the cumulative probability (right tail) of a range of z values in the Standard Normal distribution: Paste Function-Statistical-Normsdist. Then in another cell put =1 - (cell reference to Normsdist). Copy and paste that formula into the cells adjacent to each Z. See Probability of z values (left tail) above.



5.  x value associated with a given probability (left tail)

For an x value associated with a given probability (left tail) in the Normal distribution: Paste Function-Statistical-Norminv. Copy and paste the formula into the cells adjacent to each probability.


6.  x value associated with a given probability (right tail)

For an x value associated with a given probability (from right to left) in the Normal distribution: Paste Function-Statistical-Norminv. Then in another cell put =1 - (cell reference to Norminv). Copy and paste that formula into the cells adjacent to each probability. See x value associated with a given probability (left tail) above. Assuming that the first probability is in A1, mean in B1 and standard deviation in C1, then the cell command would look like this:


7.  z value associated with a given probability (left tail)

For a z value associated with a given probability (left tail) in the Standard Normal distribution: Paste Function-Statistical-Normsinv. Copy and paste that formula into the cells adjacent to each probability.

8. z value associated with a given probability (right tail)

For a z value associated with a given probability (right tail) in the Standard Normal distribution: Paste Function-Statistical-Normsinv. Then in another cell put =1 - (cell reference to Normsinv). Copy and paste that formula into the cells adjacent to each probability. See z value associated with a given probability (left tail) above. Assuming that the first probability is in A1, then the cell command would look like this:

9.  Standardize

To standardize an x value: Paste Function-Statistical-Standardize.

Continuous Probability


§ Z Score §

§ Equations not used at this topic site §

Equations used at this topic site

Z Score

1.  Zo = [xo - m] / s


Zo = Z score

xo = data value

m = population mean

s = population standard deviation

Equations not used at this topic site

Normal Approximation to Binomial

1. Use the normal approximation to the binomial if np > 5 and n(1 - p) > 5 and use m = np and s = Ö( np[1 - p] ) to calculate Z.

(a) If "equal to or less than" (£) in binomial probability statement, add 0.5 units to x before doing the normal calculation.

(b) If "equal to or greater than" (³) in binomial probability statement, subtract 0.5 units to x before doing the normal calculation.

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