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BA501 : The Class : Stats : Continuous : Introduction
Continuous Distributions- Introduction


§ Continuous Probability §

Introduction- Lesson 1

Continuous probability distributions share the same characteristics with continuous data. Discrete data are data which have "gaps" between them due to physical or logical reasons. Continuous data are data which have any possible values of a range. Continuous probability distributions include continuous data and probabilities associated with ranges of those data. One can study several types of continuous probability distributions including the normal (bell shaped), uniform, negative exponential among others. For the purposes of this course, you will study the normal probability distribution.

§ Normal Distribution §

§ Standard Normal Distribution §

§ Tables for Z Scores §

Normal Distribution

The normal distribution has bell shape. The mean of a normal distribution is m and a standard deviation of s. The area under the curve is equal to 1 (100%). The distribution is symmetrical with 50% of the data value to the left of m and 50% to the right. The probability of observing a single data point in a continuous distributions is zero. A range of data values is necessary to calculate probabilities. It is not easy to calculated these probabilities with data on x. One must integrate (using calculus) the specific equation for the curve under consideration over a range of x values. We use the Z distribution, the Standard Normal Distribution, to obtain the probabilities without the use of calculus. In fact, the Z table gives these results. Note (click me)

Question If in a normal distribution m equals 325, what is the probability that the data value x is less than 325? 1.00 0.50 can not determine (click one)

In the question above, what is the probability that the data value x is greater than 325?
(insert answer)


Standard Normal Distribution

The standard normal distribution has a bell shape. The mean of a normal distribution is 0 and a standard deviation of 1. The area under the curve is equal to 1 (100%). The distribution is symmetrical with 50% of the data values to the left of m and 50% to the right. The probability of observing a single data point in a continuous distributions is zero. A range of data values is necessary to calculate probabilities. One must convert (standardize or normalize) any x data value in a problem to a Z score. The process is simple: Z = (x - m)/s; that is, subtract the mean from the x data value and divide the result by the standard deviation. The numerator of this fraction is an "individual deviation" and the denominator is standard or "average deviation." The Z score counts the number of standard deviations that x is away from m. All Z scores on the right side of the distribution are positive, the middle one zero and all on the left side negative. Once the Z score is obtained, then the Z table is used to find probabilities. Any probabilities found for Z scores, correspond to the probabilities for the individual x data values used to calculate the Z scores. Note (click me)

Question If in a normal distribution m equals 325, what is the Z score associated with an x value of 325? zero one can not determine (click one)

In the question above if the standard deviation is 25, what is the Z score associated with an x value of 275?
(insert answer)


Tables for Z Scores

Z tables may be constructed in several different ways. But in general, all Z tables have probabilities in the body and Z scores around the edges. Usually the first part of the Z score is found on the left edge (e.g. 2.3) and the second digit to the right of the decimal point across the top (e.g. .07). Thus, this example would be for the Z score 2.37. The Z table found at this web site shows only positive Z scores; but, since the standard normal distribution is symmetrical, positive Z scores give the same probabilities as for negative Z scores. This table gives the probability of being at a specific Z score position to the middle (Z = 0). Other printed tables provide both positive and negative Z scores. In general, such tables accumulate probabilities from left to right in the distribution (always gives a left tail as the probability) up to the position of the Z score. In fact, the default for Excel is this type of table. Note (click me)

Question A Z score of - 1.33 gives a probability the same as the Z score 1.33. True False (click one)

A Z table which shows only positive Z scores gives the probability from the Z score in question to the __________ of the Z distribution.
(insert answer)

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