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BA501 : The Class : Statistics : Graphs : Home Work
Descriptive Graphs Home Work

To complete this assignment successfully, you should:

  1. Study the assignment carefully
  2. Use Excel to complete your assignments.
  3. Send the Excel spreadsheet as an attachment through WebMail.

Descriptive Graphs- Assignment

§ Descriptive Graphs §


Send  to your instructor a single Excel file (including written answers) as e-mail an attachment through WebMail. addressed to and put "BA501 (last name) Assignment name and number" somewhere in the e-mail "subject." If you have any questions on this home work, please e-mail me with questions. Put the different exercise outputs on separate sheets in the Excel file.  Here is the Excel worksheet for this assignment.  Use "save as" to save it to your computer or to a floppy.

Exercise 1 The following are the interest rates charged customers during the first year for credit cards by banks in Arizona: You may use Excel but it is not required.

6.9 2.7 4.7 5.5 6.9 4.4 17.2 6.8 6.3 6.5 4.8 5.2 2.8 16.9 3.5 2.3 4.2 9.9 10.5 11.6

Hint (click me)

(1) Put the data in an ordered array.

(2) Calculate the class width and round appropriately.

(3) Construct a frequency distribution and relative frequency starting with a lower class limit (LCL) of 2 in the first class.

Hint (click me)

(Use Excel to do Exercises 2-5)

Exercise 2 Use the information in Exercise 1 to construct a histogram.

Exercise 3 Use the information in Exercise 1 to construct a frequency polygon.

Exercise 4 Use the information in Exercise 1 to construct a pie chart.

Exercise 5 Use the information in Exercise 1 to construct an ogive.

Exercise 6 Explain how a bar chart is different from a histogram.

You should now:

Go on to Practice Quiz Look here before beginning quiz.
Go back to Descriptive Graphs: Activities and Assigments

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Please reference "BA501 (your last name) Assignment name and number" in the subject line of either below.

E-mail Dr. James V. Pinto at
or call (928) 523-7356. Use WebMail for attachments.

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