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BA501 : The Class : Statistics : Regression Analysis : Excel and Equations
Excel and Equations
Excel Commands - Excel 8 in Office 97 and Office 2000

Excel and Equations

Excel Commands - Excel in Office 97 and Office 2000

§ Scatter Diagram § Simple Linear Regression §

§ Regression line Slope, b1 § Regression line Intercept, b0 §

§ Regression § Trend for Regression § Trend line for Regression §

§ Forecast § Standard Error § t* and p-values and Hypothesis testing §

§ Confidence Interval for b1 § Coefficient of Determination §

§ Coefficient of Determinations using Paste Function §

§ Equations §

1. Scatter Diagram: Click Chart Wizard-XY Scatter.

2. Simple Linear Regression

(a) Regression line Slope, b1- Click Paste Function-Statistical-Slope

(b) Regression line Intercept, b0- Click Paste Function-Statistical-Intercept

(c) Regression- Click Tools-Data Analysis-Regression If Data Analysis does not appear, then click Tools-Add-Ins and click the top two boxes, Analysis Toolpak and Analysis Toolpak-VBA.

(d) Trend for Regression: Click Paste Function-Statistical-Trend

(e) Trend line for Regression: Click Chart Wizard-XY Scatter

(f) Forecast: Click Paste Function-Statistical-Forecast

3. Standard Error: Click Tools-Data Analysis-Regression (look at the Standard Error in the first two blocks of numbers)

Problem: What is the relationship between the number of punts and the number of points scored in data gathered from 5 football games?

4. t* and p-values and Hypothesis testing: Click Tools-Data Analysis-Regression (look at t Stat and P-value in last block of numbers)

Ho: b1 => 0

Ha: b1 < 0

a = 0.10

5. Confidence Interval for b1: Click Tools-Data Analysis-Regression (look at last group of numbers)

6. Coefficient of Determination: Click Tools-Data Analysis-Regression (look at first two groups of numbers). Also click Paste Function-Statistical-RSQ. (see below spreadsheet).

(a) Coefficient of Determinations using Paste Function: Click Paste Function-Statistical-RSQ



§ S § b1 § § bo § Yhat § Y model § § t* with b1 §

§ Two Tail Hypothesis Test on the Slope of Regression Line, b1 §

§ One Tail Hypothesis Test (Right) on the Slope of Regression Line, b1 §

§ One Tail Hypothesis Test (Left) on the Slope of Regression Line, b1 §

§ CI for b1 § t* with r § SSy § § Sums of Squares §


1.  d² = S(y - yhat)² = SSE = SSy - [SCPxy]² / SSx

 (a)  SCPxy = [Sxy - (Sx)(Sy) / n])

(b)  SSx = [Sx²- (Sx)² / n]

(c)  SSy = [Sy²- (Sy)² / n]


2.  b1 = D y / D x

= [Sxy - (Sx)(Sy) / n] / [Sx²- (Sx)² / n]

= SCPxy / SSx


3.  bo = ybar - b1(xbar)

 (a) xbar = Sx / n

(b) ybar = Sy / n


4.  Yhat = bo + b1[x]


5.  Y =  bo +  b1[X] + e


6.  s² =  s²e(hat) = estimate of  s²e = SSE / [n- 2 ] = MSE

s = Ös² = Ö(SSE / [n - 2]) = ÖMSE


7.  t* = [b1 - b1] / Sb1  = [b1 - b1] / [ s / ÖSSx ]

Sb1  = s / ÖSSx


8.  Two Tail Hypothesis Test on the Slope of the Regression Line, b1

Ho: b1= 0

Ha: b1 ¹ 0

Reject Ho if |t*| > t a / 2,(n - 2)

FTR(Support) Ho if |t*| £ t a / 2,(n - 2)


9.  One Tail Hypothesis Test (Right) on the Slope of the Regression Line, b1

Ho: b1 £ 0

Ha: b1 > 0

Reject Ho if t* > t a, (n - 2)

FTR(Support) Ho if t* £ t a, (n - 2)


10.  One Tail Hypothesis Test (Left) on the Slope of the Regression Line, b1

Ho: b1  ³ 0

Ha: b1 < 0

Reject Ho if t* < - t a, (n - 2)

FTR(Support) Ho if t* ³ - t a, (n - 2)


11.  CI for b1 =  b1 ± [t a / 2,(n - 2)]Sb1

12.  t* = r / Ö[(1 - r²) / (n - 2)]


13.  SSy = SSR + SSE


14.  r² = SSR / SSy

= 1 - SSE / SSy

= [SCPxy] 2 / (SSx)( SSy)

= (correlation coefficient)2 = (r)2


15.  SSy = S( y - ybar)² = Sy² - (Sy)² / n

SSR = S(yhat - ybar )² = (SCPxy)² / [SSx]

SSE = S(y - yhat )² = SSy - [SCPxy]²/SSx

Once you have finished you should:

Go on to Regression: Home Work
Go back to Regression Analysis: Activities and Assignments

Please reference "BA501 (your last name) Assignment name and number" in the subject line of either below.

E-mail Dr. James V. Pinto at
or call (928) 523-7356. Use WebMail for attachments.

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