Gruber, Sibylle (with Nancy G. Barron and Scott G. Guenthner). “Imagining Social Action: Tailoring Multimedia Production to the First-Year Writing Classroom.” Service Learning in the Composition Classroom, ed. Susan Garza. Fountainhead Press, 2013. pp. 121-132.
Gruber, Sibylle. “Being International, Being Different: Teaching and Learning in Motion.” Journal of Multiculturalism in Education 7.2 (2012), pp. 1-22.
Gruber, Sibylle. “Participatory Culture, New Media, and Civic Engagement: A Generation Who Dares to Hope.” Technologies for Enhancing Pedagogy, Engagement and Empowerment in Education: Creating Learning-Friendly Environments, eds. Thao Lê and Quynh Lê. IGI Global, 2012, pp. 147-159.
Gruber, Sibylle (with Nancy G. Barron). “Responsible Knowledge Workers: Rhetoric, Media, and the 3rd Environment.” The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society 7.2 (2011), pp. 153-166.
Gruber, Sibylle. “Student Engagement and Teacher Practices: Using Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign for Learning Purposes.” The Journal of Effective Teaching, 11.1 (2011), pp. 45-61.
Gruber, Sibylle. “Technological Literacy in First-Year Composition: Implementing a Module Approach.” The Journal of Literacy and Technology 11.1 (April 2010): pp. 132-164.
Gruber, Sibylle. “When Theory and Practice Collide: Becoming a Feminist Practitioner.” Feminism and Administration in Rhetoric and Composition Studies, eds Rebecca Rickley and Krista Radcliffe. Hampton Pres, 2010.
Gruber, Sibylle (with Nancy G. Barron). “Assessing the Intersections of Rhetorics, Technologies, and Bodies.” The Journal of Literacy and Technology 9.2 (August 2008): pp. 2-34.
Gruber Sibylle (with Nancy G. Barron). “Diversity Reconsidered: Teaching U.S. Heterogeneity in a Border State.” The International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations 7.4 (2007): pp. 195-208.
Gruber, Sibylle. Literacies, Experiences, and Technologies: Reflective Practices of an Alien Researcher. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2007.
Gruber, Sibylle (with Nancy Barron and Nancy Grimm), eds. Social Change in Diverse Teaching Contexts: Touchy Subjects and Routine Practices. New York, Peter Lang Publishing, 2006.