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BA501 : The Class : Stats : Continuous
Continuous Probability Distributions

§ Assignments and Activities §

Continuous probability distributions share the same characteristics with continuous data. Discrete data are data which have "gaps" between them due to physical or logical reasons. Continuous data are data which have any possible values of a range. Continuous probability distributions include continuous data and probabilities associated with ranges of those data. One can study several type of continuous probability distributions including the normal (bell shaped), uniform, negative exponential among others. For the purposes of this course, you will study the normal probability distribution.

1. Study textbook and on-line materials to gain a general understanding of continuous probability distributions.

2. Calculate Z scores.

3. Calculate probabilities associated with x data and Z scores.

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To complete this Topic successfully, please complete the following activities in the order shown below:

Text TEXTBOOK READING: Read Chapter 6 in Kvanli, et. al.

Optional and free on-line texts for statistics: HyperStat and StatSoft

On-Line Lesson 1 ON-LINE LESSON 1: Continuous Distributions- Introduction

On-Line Lesson 2 ON-LINE LESSON 2: Continuous Distributions- Examples

Excel and Equations SPREADSHEET: Excel and Equations

Home Work ASSIGNMENT: Home Work

Look here before beginning quiz if using a telephone modem.

Self Test SELF TEST: Practice Quiz

Visit this Web site, click on Tools & Demos then Probability Calculator. Select Normal from the drop down menu. For additional calculations, select Normal Probabilities and then Normal Curves.

Web Activity WEB ACTIVITY: SticiGui

In this simulation, click the sliding bars to indicate different Z scores. The result is the probability of being between the selected Z scores. Do not save changes.

Simulation Interactive Simulation

Use WebMail to send attachments and/or messages. Put BA501 (last name) Assignment name and number somewhere in the "subject" line of your e-mail. Address to

WebMail WebMail

In addition to the material available at this web site, you may (optional) use WebTutor linked to WebCT. WebTutor is an interactive web site specfically covering the contents of the Kvanli (statistics) textbook assigned in this course. There is a fee for using this web site ($15). Have a credit card ready and click here to signup for this feature. When you have paid for WebTutor, you may click here to logon. You may download a free student guide to WebTutor by clicking here and then selelcting Student Support.

You should now:

Go on to Sampling Distributions and Confidence Intervals
Go back to Statistics

Please reference "BA501 (your last name) Assignment name and number" in the subject line of either below.

E-mail Dr. James V. Pinto at
or call (928) 523-7356. Use WebMail for attachments.

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