HyperStudio How To... Part I

Created by Stan Woo-Sam


Create a New Card
  1. From the Edit menu select New Card.

Create a New Button

  1. From the Objects menu select Add a Button.
  2. Set the properties of the Button (color, name, style).
  3. Position and resize the button and click outside of the button when done.
  4. Select and action for the button such as going to another card and click on OK.
  5. Select a transition for the button and click on OK then click on Done

Create a Text Object

  1. From the Objects menu select Add a Text Object.
  2. Position and resize the text box and click outside of the box when done.
  3. Set the properties for the text object (such as color, frame, scroll bar, text style) and click on OK when done.
  4. NOTE: It is possible to make a Text Object transparent so that the background can be seen through it. To do this, the HyperStudio preferences must first be set to "experienced HyperStudio user". Then when on the screen where the color, frame, and scroll bar are set, click on Features... and then check Transparent.

Change a Button or Text Object

  1. Select the from the Tools menu and double click on the item.

Link a Button to Another Card

  1. If the button is already created, select the from the Tools menu and double click on the button.
  2. Click on Actions and select Another card.
  3. Use the arrows on screen to go to the other card and click OK when there.

 Delete a Button or Text Object

  1. Select the from the Tools menu and click once on the item you wish to delete.
  2. Press the delete key on the keyboard.

Move or Resizing a Button or Text Object

  1. Select the from the Tools menu.
  2. To move the item click in the center of it and drag it to a new position.
  3. To resize the item click and hold on a corner and pull.

 Save a Stack

  1. From the File menu select Save Stack.
  2. If the stack has not been saved before, a screen will appear where you should give a name to your stack and direct where the stack should be saved.


Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI