Christmas 2002 - Louisiana Style again

We were lucky enough to get to spend about  ten days in Louisiana visiting Jim's family.  In keeping with the annual tradition, we made Christmas candy and decorated cookies at Aunt Susie's house.  We had several family get togethers so we got to spend lots of time visiting!  The boys had a blast spending time with their cousins - Yu-Gi-Oh and Playstation 2 were probably the highlights!.  Jim was thrilled he was able to do some deer and duck hunting while he was there as well as take the boys fishing a couple of times.  The weather was surprisingly nice too. What a great visit!

* Click on any picture to see a larger image * 

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Justin's poses with his cookie before he eats it; he made two cookies and he ate both!

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Magan's (our niece  - TetTet & Emily's youngest) beautiful candies she made

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Michael's decorating his cookies

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Michael's candy (right before he ate it!)

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Michael - 8 years old

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Justin - 5 years old

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Our family picture Christmas Eve


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Justin and Michael check out their Santa gifts

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Justin in Kerri's goofy Christmas tree hat

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Jim's sisters, Kerri and Susie, and Mama

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Magan, Susie, and Daniel (Susie's son)

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Magan and Jim's brother Johnny

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Jim's turn to model Kerri's beautiful hat!

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Jim's Mama with all her grandkids who were there Christmas night:

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Family picture on Christmas night

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Who is that masked man?  Justin shows off his new spy glasses.



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