Mathews Family Website

Last Updated: August 2004

Holidays 2003 Greetings from the Mathews clan!  Yes, it's been a while since I've updated my website.  I caught a lot of grief from some of you so I thought I had better get a few new pictures out here.  So, I've updated the website with our holiday card picture from 2003 and some 2003 and 2004 pictures.  My intentions are to update the website throughout the year so check back periodically for updates.  I left links to the previous year's Christmas newsletters and/or picture.  Hope you enjoy the website.  Drop a line to one of us to say 'hi' - email links at the bottom of this page.    



Links to previous Christmas newsletter and/or family picture: 

2001 2002
Newsletter Newsletter
Picture Picture
Photo Gallery
2004 Favorites Album Date Description
2004 Favorites 2004 Here are some favorite pictures from 2004
2003 Favorites Album Date Description
2003 Pictures 2003 Here are some favorite pictures from 2004
2002 Albums Date Description
Basketball Season  Jan - March 2002 Both boys played in Itty Bitty basketball in 2002..
Roosevelt Lake March 2002 We spent a couple of days before Easter down at one of the lakes near Phoenix..
Myers Reunion  May 2002 Justin and I got to meet some other Myers for the first time....
2002 Misc 2002 Miscellaneous pictures throughout 2002
Alaska (kid-less) Trip Summer 2002 Jim and I took a belated 10 year Anniversary trip to Alaska.  
Christmas in Louisiana Christmas 2002 Another cajun-style Christmas.
2001 Albums Date Description
Christmas Christmas 2001 We spent Christmas with Jim's family in Louisiana in 2001.
Halloween October 2001 Justin's Halloween party and at home costume pictures
Disneyland Trip October 2001 Our first trip to Disneyland 
Miscellaneous Family 2001 Some miscellaneous pictures from throughout the year
Summer Vacation in North Carolina July/Aug 2001 We spent a week in Oak Island, North Carolina this Summer
Lake Powell Trips June - Aug 2001 Here are some pictures from some fun camping/fishing trips to Lake Powell. 

[ Home ] Basketball Season 2002 ] Roosevelt Lake 2002 ] 2002 Misc ] 2002 Myers Reunion ] 2002 Alaska (kid-less) Trip ] 2002 Christmas ] Misc 2001 ] Lake Powell ] Summer Vacation 2001 ] Disneyland 2001 ] Halloween 2001 ] Christmas 2001 ]

Send me an email:


Send Jim an email: mailto:jim_c_mathews@hotmail.