Christmas 2001 -  Louisiana Style

We spent Christmas with Jim's family in Alexandria Louisiana this year.  We arrived in time for the Mathews get together at Jim's sister Susie's house.  We had a fun week of gingerbread house and Christmas cooking decorating &  lots of fun with cousins and family!

* Click on any picture to see a larger image * 

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Susie's (Jim's sister) Christmas tree 

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Michael on the 4-wheeler with his cousin, Marcus

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Justin swingin' with his cousin, Magan

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Justin gets some help making Christmas cookies from Toni (left) and Magan (right) 

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Magan (Tet & Emily's youngest) got a "little" flour on her face!

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Justin makin' his gingerbread house

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Michael with Aunt Susie's dog


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Michael and Justin with their stockings on Christmas morning

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Ma Ma makes cinnamon rolls Christmas morning

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Justin with his new Christmas hat

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Michael on Christmas morning with his stocking loot!

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Justin with his stocking loot!

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Michael gets a CD player

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Justin gets a "beach guy"

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Uncle Jesse, Magan, and Molly

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All the grandkids:


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Michael plays his new gameboy

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Justin loves his new power ranger gun.




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