Basketball Season 2002 

Both boys played "itty bitty basketball" this winter.  This was Justin's first year.  He was an awesome dribbler and although he tried very hard, he didn't make a point all year.  He had FUN and there's always next year!  This was Michael's 3rd year playing and his team was pretty awesome.  His team improved a lot over the season and Michael certainly improved since last year.  He was on one of the leading scorers in a couple of games.

* Click on any picture to see a larger image * 

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Michael's Team (He's front and center)

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Michael's guarding action

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Michael and Bryce

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Michael dribblin' down the court

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Justin's Team (He's front and left)

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Justin's 1st game - he fell down a lot

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Hands up EVERYONE!  This is the offense and defense strategy!!!

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Justin is a "master dribbler"!!! 


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