16. Reppen, R. (2012). The internet as a resource for language instruction. L'Analisi Linguistica e Letteraria, 389-398.
15. Johnson, K., Sonnett, J., Dolan, M., Reppen, R. & Johnson, L. (2010). Interjournalistic discourse about African-Americans in TV news coverage of hurricane Katrina. Discourse and Communication,4, 3 243-261.
14. Vásquez, V. & Reppen, R. (2007). Transforming Practice: Changing Patterns of Interaction in Post-Observation Meetings. Language Awareness, 16, 3 153-172.
13. Hillyard, L., Reppen, R. & Vásquez, C. (2007). Bringing the outside world into an
Intensive English program. ELT Journal, 61 126-134.
12. Reppen, R. & Ide, N. (2004). The American National Corpus: Overall goals and the First Release. Journal of English Linguistics, 32, 2, 105-113.
11. Biber, D., Conrad, S., Reppen, R., Byrd, P., & Helt, M. (2003). Strengths and goals of Multi-dimensional analysis: A response to Ghadessy. TESOL Quarterly, 37, 1 151-155.
10. Biber, D., Reppen, R. & Conrad, S. (2002). Developing Linguistic Literacy: Perspectives from Corpus Linguistics and Multi-dimensional Analysis. Journal of Child Language, 29, 2 458 - 462.
9. Biber, D., Conrad, S., Reppen, R., Byrd, P., & Helt, M. (2002). Speaking and writing in the university: A multi-dimensional comparison. TESOL Quarterly, 36, 19-48.
8. Biber, D. & Reppen, R. (2002). What does frequency have to do with grammar teaching? Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 24, 2 199-208.
7. Donley, K. & Reppen, R. (2001). Using corpus tools to highlight academic vocabulary in sustained content language teaching. TESOL Journal Vol. 10, 2/3, 7-12.
6. Reppen, R. (2001). Corpus linguistics and language teaching. English Corpus Studies, 8, 19-31.
5. Herbert, J. & Reppen, R. (1999). Selecting and evaluating TOEFL material. TESOL Journal, 8(4), 41-43.
4. Biber, D., Conrad, S. & Reppen, R. (1996). Corpus-based investigations of language use. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 16, 115-136.
3. Reppen. R. (1995). A genre-based approach to content writing instruction. TESOL Journal, 4, 32-35.
2. Biber, D., Conrad, S. & Reppen, R. (1994). Corpus‑based approaches to issues in Applied Linguistics. Journal of Applied Linguistics, 15,169-189.
1. Reppen, R. & Grabe, W. (1993). Spanish transfer effects in the English writing of elementary students. Lenguas Modernas, 20, 113-128.
BOOK CHAPTERS *marks invited publication
26. Biber, D. & Reppen, R. (2012). Corpus Linguistics. In D. Biber & R. Reppen (Eds.) Corpus Linguistics. London: Sage. pp. xix-vliii.
25. *Reppen, R. (2011). Using corpora in the language classroom. In B. Tomlinson (Ed.) Materials Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp.35-50.
24. *Biber, D., Reppen, R. & Friginal, E. (2010). Research in corpus linguistics. In R. Kaplan (Ed.) Oxford Handbook of Applied Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 548-567.
23. * Reppen, R. (2010). Building a corpus: What are the basics? In A. O’Keefe & M. McCarthy (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Corpus Linguistics. London: Routledge. pp. 31-38.
22. *Reppen, R. & Vlach-Simpson, R (2010). Corpus linguistics. In N. Schmitt (Ed.), An introduction to applied linguistics 2nd edition. 89 - 107. London: Arnold.
21. *Reppen, R. (2009). Using internet resources to enhance English language instruction. In Selected Papers from the English Teachers Association. Taiwan ROC: ETA pp. 61-67.
20. *Reppen, R. (2009). Exploring L1 and L2 writing development through collocations: A corpus based look. In A. Barfield and H Gyllstad (Eds.). Researching collocations in another language: Multiple interpretations. London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 49 - 59.
19. * Reppen, R. (2009). English language teaching and corpus linguistics: Lessons from the American National Corpus. In P. Baker (Ed.). Contemporary Approaches to Corpus Linguistics. London: Continuum Press. pp. 206 – 215.
18. Ädel, A. & Reppen, R. (2008). The challenges of different settings: An overview. In Ädel, A. & Reppen, R. (Eds.). Corpora and Discourse: The challenges of different settings. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 1 - 6.
17. *Reppen, R. (2007). L1 and L2 writing development of elementary students: Two perspectives. In Y. Kawaguchi, T. Takagaki, N. Tomimori, and Y. Tsurgura (Eds.) Corpus-based perspectives in linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Vol 6 pp. 147-167.
16. *Reppen, R. & Ide, N. (2007). The American National Corpus: Overall goals and the First Release. In W. Teubert & R. Krishnamurthy (Eds.) Corpus linguistics: Critical concepts in linguistics. London: Routledge. Vol 2 pp. 69 - 76. Reprint of 2004 Journal of English Linguistics article.
15. *Biber, D., Conrad, S., Reppen, R., Byrd, P., & Helt, M. (2007). Speaking and writing in the university: A multi-dimensional comparison. In W. Teubert & R. Krishnamurthy (Eds.) Corpus linguistics: Critical concepts in linguistics. London: Routledge. Vol 5 pp. 3-41. Reprint of 2002 TESOL Quarterly article.
14. *Reppen, R. & Vásquez, C. (2007). Using corpus linguistics to investigate the language of teacher training. In J. Walinski, K. Kredens, & S. Gozdz-Roszkowski (Eds.) Corpora and ICT in Language Studies. 13-29. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.1
3. *Reppen, R. & Vásquez, C. (2006). Using on-line academic writing modules in an IEP environment. In S. Rilling & E. Hanson-Smith (Eds.), Computers in the Language Classroom: From Theory to Practice. 41- 51. Alexandria, VA: TESOL.
12. *Biber, D., Conrad, S., Reppen, R., Byrd, P. and Helt, M. (2006). The spoken and written academic language (T2K-SWAL) corpus. In D. Biber University Language: A corpus-based study of spoken and written registers. 23- 31. Amsterdam, Benjamins.
11. *Reppen, R. (2006). Corpus linguistics and Second Language. In K. Brown (Ed in chief), The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics 2nd edition Elsevier Science.
10. Reppen, R. (2004). Academic language: An exploration of university classroom and textbook language. In U. Conner & T. Upton (Eds.), Discourse in the Professions: Perspectives from Corpus Linguistics. 65-86 Amsterdam: Benjamins.
9. Ide, N., Reppen, R., & Suderman, K. (2002). The American National Corpus: More than the Web can provide. Proceedings of the Third Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain, 839- 844. (
8. *Reppen, R. & Simpson, R (2002). Corpus linguistics. In N. Schmitt (Ed.), An introduction to applied linguistics. 92- 111. London: Arnold.
7. *Reppen, R. (2002). A genre-based approach to content writing instruction. In J. Richards & W. Renandya (Eds.), Methodology in TESOL: An anthology of current issues and practices 321 - 327. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Reprint of 1995 TESOL Journal article.
6. Reppen, R. & Stoller, F. (2002). IEP and MATESL Program Linkages: Creating a Symbiotic Relationship. In N. Dimmitt & M. Dantas-Whitney (Eds.), Intensive English programs in postsecondary settings. 51-63. Alexandria VA: TESOL.
5. Reppen, R. (2001). Register variation in student and adult speech and writing. In S. Conrad & D. Biber (Eds.), Variation in English: Multi-dimensional studies. 187 – 199. London: Longman.
4. Reppen, R. (2001). Elementary student writing development: Corpus-based perspectives. In R. Simpson & J. Swales (Eds.), Corpus linguistics in North America: Selections from the 1999 Symposium. 211-225 Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
3. Biber, D., Reppen, R., Clark, V. & Walter, J. (2001). Representing spoken language in university settings: The design and construction of the spoken component of the T2K-SWAL Corpus. In R. Simpson & J. Swales (Eds.), Corpus linguistics in North America: Selections from the 1999 Symposium. 48-57 Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
2. *Biber, D. & Reppen, R. (1998). Comparing native and learner perspectives on English grammar: A study of complement clauses. In S. Granger (Ed.), Learner English on Computer. 145-158 London: Longman.
1. Reppen, R. (1995). A multi-dimensional comparison of spoken and written registers produced by and for students. In B. Warvik, S. Tanskanen, and R. Hiltunen (Eds.), Organization in Discourse Vol. 15, 477-486 Turku, Finland: University of Turku Press.
OTHER PUBLICATIONS *marks invited publication
18. Reppen, R. (2013). An activity to practice this, that, these and those. Grammar and Beyond Newsletter. Feb.
17. Reppen, R. (2012). Write around the room. Grammar and Beyond Newsletter. Aug.
16. Reppen, R. (2010). Interview with Professor Randi Reppen. Strani Jezici, 39 (3), 151-156. [A refereed Croatian Journal of Applied Linguistics]
15. Helt, M. & Reppen, R. (2008). Training teachers to use corpus resources. TEIS Newsletter, 23 (2), 4 pages.
14. *Reppen, R. (2008). From Corpus to Classroom. (2007). A. O’Keefe, M. McCarthy & R. Carter. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Book Review for the International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 13 (4), 564-566.
13. *Reppen, R. (2008). Meaningful texts: The extraction of semantic information from monolingual and multilingual corpora. Book notice for Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 30 (4).
12. *Reppen, R. (2007). Collocations in a learner corpus. (2004). N. Nesselhauf. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Book review for Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 29 (1), 136-137.
11. *Reppen, R. (2006). Corpora and Language learners. (2004).G. Aston, S. Bernardini & D. Stewart (Eds.). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Book review for Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 28 (1), 152-153.
10. *Reppen, R. (2005). Corpus Presenter: Software for language analysis. (2003). R. Hickey. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Book review for Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 27 (4), 650.
9. *Reppen, R. (2002). The sharp end. EL Gazette. November issue No. 274.
8. *Reppen, R. (2001). A review of MonoConc and WordSmith. Language Learning and Technology Journal. 5, 3, 32-36.
7. *Reppen, R. & Biber, D. (2001). Habeas corpus, but will you be using it in class? EL Gazette. February Issue No. 253.
6. *Reppen, R. (2000). A brief introduction to corpus linguistics and its use for language teaching. Japanese Association of English Corpus Studies Newsletter. Itabashi, Japan.
5. *Reppen, R. (1993). Advances in Systemic Linguistics: Recent Theory and Practice. (1992). M. Davies & L. Ravel (Eds.). Book note Language, 69(4).
4. *Reppen, R. (1992). Infinitival Complement Clauses. (1990). Christian Mair. Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press. A book review for The Canadian Journal of Linguistics, 37(4).
3. Reppen, R. (1990). Reflections on TESOL 1990. AZ‑TESOL Newsletter, 11(2).
2. Reppen, R. (Dec. 1989). English L1 and L2 elementary students' writing patterns. AZ‑TESOL Newsletter, 10(4).
1. Reppen, R. (June 1989). Silent, interactive reading/writing activities for low‑literacy students. A summary of a presentation given by Linda Rousos. AZ‑TESOL Newsletter, 10(2).