* marks invited presentations
132. *Reppen, R. (2013). Ideas for language teaching: A look at corpora and corpus linguistics Invited plenary ELT Trends. Boston, MA April.
131. Reppen, R. (2013). Grammar and Writing: It’s easier than you think. TESOL. Dallas TX. March.
130. *Reppen, R. (2013). Pragmatics language teaching and corpora: A powerful trio. Invited presentation University Limerick, Ireland. April.
129. *Reppen, R. (2013). Corpora and language teaching: Ideas for the classroom. Invited plenary CA TESOL LA. Los Angeles, CA. March.
128. Reppen, R. (2013). Methods for using corpora to explore language use. CA TESOL LA. Los Angeles, CA. March.
127. *Reppen, R. (2013). Corpora and language teaching: Ideas for the classroom. Invited plenary Kansas City Winter conference. Kansas City, MO. February.
126. Reppen, R. & Staples, S. (2013). The effect of task and L1 on productive vocabulary of university student writing. Presentation at AACL San Diego, CA. January.
125. *Reppen, R. (2012). Productive vocabulary: The effect of task and L1 on university student writing. Invited presentation for the TESL Ontario Research Symposium. Toronto, Canada. November.
124. *Reppen, R. (2012). Corpora and language teaching: Ideas for the classroom. Invited plenary TESL Ontario. Toronto, Canada. November.
123. Reppen, R. (2012). Six principles for the teaching the grammar of writing. Presentation at AZ TESOL. Phoenix, AZ. October
122. Reppen, R. (2012). The internet and corpus resources for English language instruction. Presentation at AZ TESOL. Phoenix, AZ. October
121. *Reppen, R. (2012). Corpus linguistics and grammar. Workshop for Bay Area Regional TESOL (BART). Tampa, FL. September.
120.*Reppen, R. (2012). Productive vocabulary: A look at the effect of task and language in a corpus of academic student writing. Plenary at the TALC conference. Warsaw, Poland. July.
119. *Reppen, R. (2012). Innovation and collaboration in teaching vocabulary and grammar: A corpus approach. Plenary at Sunshine TESOL conference. Orlando, FL. May.
118. Reppen, R. (2012). Best practices in grammar teaching. Presentation at Sunshine TESOL conference. Orlando, FL. May.
117. Reppen, R. (2012). The internet as resource for English language instruction. Presentation at CATESOL conference. Oakland, CA. April.
116. Reppen, R. (2012). Best practices in grammar teaching. Presentation at CATESOL conference. Oakland, CA. April.
115. Reppen, R. (2012) Teaching vocabulary and grammar with corpora. Colloquium with Paul Thompson, Gena Bennett, Steve Walsh, Sylvia Dushkin, & Tom Cobb. TESOL conference. Philadelphia, PA. March.
114. Reppen, R. & Brezinsky, J. (2012) Based on research - Built for success: Grammar and Beyond. Presentation at TESOL conference. Philadelphia, PA. March.
113. *Reppen, R. (2012). Getting the balance right: Corpora, research, and language teaching. Plenary at ILTBE conference. Chicago, IL. February.
112. Reppen, R. (2012). Best practices in grammar teaching. Presentation at ILTBE conference. Chicago, IL. February.
111. *Reppen, R. (2012). An introduction to corpus linguistics for language teaching. Presentation at ILTBE conference. Chicago, IL. February.
110. *Reppen, R. (2012). Resources and ideas for language teaching from natural language (corpora). Workshop Plenary at the New School. New York, NY. February.
109. *Reppen,R. (2012). Writing and grammar instruction: A great match. Invited workshop for Passaic Community College. Passaic, NJ. February.
108. *Reppen, R. (2012). Developing corpus materials and activities for the English language classroom. Plenary at TAGLS conference. Ashville, NC. February.
107. *Reppen, R. (2011). Applying corpus research to the language classroom. Plenary at CO-TESOL conference. Denver, CO. November.
106. *Reppen, R. (2011). Writing, technology and corpus linguistics. Presentation at CO-TESOL conference. Denver, CO. November.
105. *Reppen, R. (2011). Best practices in grammar teaching. Presentation at CO-TESOL conference. Denver, CO. November.
104. *Reppen, R. (2011). Newest practices in Grammar teaching. Webinar. October.
103. *Reppen, R. (2011). Using corpora for pedagogy: Does it make a difference? Plenary for AACL. Atlanta, GA. October.
102. *Reppen, R. (2011). Using corpora to inform teaching and materials development. CA TESOL conference invited workshop. Long Beach, CA. April.
101. *Reppen, R. (2010). Corpus linguistics and language teaching. King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thornburi TESL Conference. Bangkok, Thailand. November.
100. *Reppen, R. (2010). Methods for using corpora to explore language use. Croatian Applied Linguistics 24th International Conference. Osijek, Croatia. May.
99. *Reppen, R. (2010). Using corpora in the classroom. Split, Croatia. May.
98. *Reppen, R. (2010). Using corpora in the language classroom. Split, Croatia. May.
97. *Reppen, R. (2010). Using corpora in the classroom. Zadar, Croatia. May.
96. *Reppen, R. (2010). Using corpora in the language classroom. Zadar, Croatia. May.
95. *Reppen, R. (2010). Corpus linguistics as a tool for looking at language use. Keynote speaker for ASU Graduate Student TESOL Applied Linguistics conference. Tempe, AZ February.
94. *Reppen, R. (2009). Internet resources for language teaching. Plenary for the English Language Teachers Association (ETA) conference. Taipei, Taiwan. November.
93. *Reppen, R. (2009). Developing corpus based materials. Workshop for the Taiwan ETA conference. Taipei, Taiwan. November.
92. *Reppen, R. (2009). Using corpora in the classroom. Presentation at National Ilan University. Ilan,Taiwan. November.
91. *Reppen, R. (2009). Technology, writing and corpus linguistics: The future of writing? Symposium on Second language writing. Phoenix, AZ. November.
90. *Reppen, R. (2009). Bringing it all together: Observations on working group sessions. Symposium on Multilingual Writers. University of California, Berkeley. September.
89. *Reppen, R. (2009). One size does not fit all: Addressing general and discipline-specific conventions for academic writing. Keynote speaker Symposium on Multilingual Writers. University of California, Berkeley. September.
88. *Reppen, R. (2009). Spoken and written directives in university language. Invited presentation Victoria University. Wellington New Zealand. May.
87. Reppen, R. (2009). SLA and the inseparability of vocabulary and syntax. Discussant for a colloquium at AAAL organized by Ute Römer & Stefanie Wulff. Denver CO. March.
86. Reppen, R. (2009). Corpora in the classroom: Forging new paths. A paper presented at TESOL. Denver, CO. March.
85. Reppen, R. (2009). SLA and teacher training: Insights from corpus linguistics. SLAT (Second language acquisition and teaching) Conference. Tuscon, AZ. March.
84. *Reppen, R. (2008). Applying corpus linguistics to look at… Invited plenary for the IVACS conference. Limerick, Ireland. June.
83. *Reppen, R. (2008). Corpus linguistics and language teaching. Invited plenary workshop for CA TESOL. Sacramento, CA. April.
82. Reppen, R., Persiani, R. & Sippel, K. (2008). Enjoy your Stay: English for the hospitality industry. CA TESOL. Sacramento, CA. April.
81. *Vásquez, C. & Reppen, R. (2008). Language learning and technology: Corpus informed web modules. Part of an invited panel for the TESOL IEP session. TESOL New York, NY. April.
80. *Reppen, R. (2008). Vocabulary teaching: Ideas from corpus linguistics. Part of an invited panel for the TESOL Research academic session with Michael McCarthy, Norbert Schmitt and Paul Heacock. TESOL New York, NY. April.
79. Reppen, R. (2008). ‘Students must’: A corpus based look at directives university language. American Association of Applied Corpus Linguistics (AAACL). Provo, Utah. March.
78. *Reppen, R. (2007). Corpus compilation: Tips and caveats. A presentation for the University of Uppsala Corpus Linguistics Workshop. Uppsala, Sweden. December.
77. *Reppen, R. (2007). Language teaching and corpus linguistics: Exploring connections. A presentation for the University of Uppsala Corpus Linguistics Workshop. Uppsala, Sweden. December.
76. Reppen, R. (2007). Corpora and language teaching. University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland. December.
75. *Reppen, R. (2007). Connecting reading and writing: From theory to practice. A workshop presented at Carolina TESOL. Asheville NC. October.
74. *Reppen, R. (2007). Transforming teaching through corpus linguistics. Invited plenary presented at Carolina TESOL. Asheville NC. October.
73. *Reppen, R. (2007). The many faces of corpus linguistics. Invited plenary for the Linguistics club of Middle Tennessee State University. Murfreesboro, TN. Oct.
72. Reppen, R. (2007). Directives in spoken and written university language: A corpus-based look. International Pragmatics Conference. Gothenborg, Sweden. July.
71. Reppen, R. & Helt, Marie (2007). Training Teachers to use Corpus Resources. A paper presented at TESOL. Seattle, WA. March.
70. *Reppen, R. (2006). L1 and L2 writing development of elementary students: Two perspectives. Invited plenary for the International Conference for Linguistic Informatics. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. Tokyo Japan. September.
69. Reppen, R. (2006). Communities of practice: The University IEP. A panel exploring Communities of Practice with A. Beck, J. Sargent, and S. Noreen. AZ TESOL regional conference. Flagstaff, AZ. April.
68. *Reppen, R. (2006). A hands-on workshop on corpus linguistics. An invited workshop for the University of Arizona SLAT (Second Language Acquisition and Teaching) faculty and students. Tucson, AZ. April.
67. *Reppen, R. (2006). Corpus linguistics: An overview and applications. An invited presentation for the University of Arizona SLAT (Second Language Acquisition and Teaching) faculty and students. Tucson, AZ. April.
66. *Reppen, R. (2006). Corpus linguistics & ESP: The ESL/EFL classroom. An invited panel for the ESP academic session with Rita Simpson and Viviana Cortes. TESOL Tampa, FL. March.
65. *Reppen, R. (2005). An invited discussant for the panel on Research on Fund Raising Letters: Focus on Research Methods. Panel members Ed Nagelhout, Ulla Connor, Thom Upton, Avon Crismore, Sabrina Fusari, Charles Bazerman and Ana Moreno AILA/AAAL Madison, WI. July.
64. Reppen, R. (2005). Reading and Writing on-line: Issues for second language students. A paper presented at the E-Learning Institute. Flagstaff, AZ. May
63. *Reppen, R. (2005). Corpus Linguistics: Sub field or methodology. An Invited Panel with S. Conrad, W. Teubert, & E. Schneider at AAACL/ICAME. Ann Arbor MI. May.
62. *Reppen, R. (2005). Using Corpus Linguistics to investigate the language of Teacher Training. Invited plenary for the conference on Practical Applications in Language and Computers (PALC), Łódź, Poland. April.
61. *Reppen, R. (2005) Teacher training for today’s market. A invited panel on Obtaining ESL/EFL Employment in today’s marketplace with Tanner, M., Olson, B., R., Anderson, N., Curtis, A., & Valentine, K.. Presented at TESOL. San Antonio, TX. March.
60. Fulé, P., Reed, J., Garcia, P. & Reppen, R. (2005). NAU Hybrid Students–Perceptions of Online Learning with highlights from Forestry 380, Ecological Restoration Principles, and Sociology 101. A paper presented at the E-learning Faculty Showcase. Flagstaff, AZ. March.
59. Reppen, R., Garcia, P., & Carter, D. (2005). Students perceptions of online learning. A paper presented at the Association for Higher Education (AAHE) Conference. Atlanta, GA. March.
58. *Reppen, R. (2005). Language teaching and corpus linguistics: Exploring connections. Invited presentation at the joint meeting of Bogazigi University and Koç University English Language Teachers. Istanbul, Turkey. March.
57. Reppen, R. (2004). Using electronic resources for English language instruction. A paper presented at the E-learning Faculty Showcase. Flagstaff, AZ. October.
56. Reppen, R. (2004). The American National Corpus: The First Release. A paper presented at IVACS. Belfast, Northern Ireland. June.
55. Vasquez, C. & Reppen, R. (2004). What didn’t you say? Increasing teacher participation in teacher mentoring meetings. A paper presented at IVACS. Belfast, Northern Ireland. June.
54. *Reppen, R. (2004). Corpus linguistics and language teaching: Exploring connections. Invited presentation at the Malaysian International Conference of English Language Teachers (MICELT). Malacca, Malaysia. May.
53. Reppen, R. (2004). What can you teach with a corpus? A paper presented at the SLAT (Second Language Acquisition and Teaching) Conference. Tucson, AZ. February.
52. Reppen, R. (2004). E-learning writing and technology modules for the Program in Intensive English. Paper presented at the E-learning Conference at NAU. Flagstaff, AZ. February.
51. *Reppen, R. (2003). The American National Corpus: An overview and an update. Invited presentation at the University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden, November.
50. Reppen, R. (2003). How can corpus linguistics contribute to SLA research? A look at a corpus of elementary student writing. A paper presented as part of a panel on How can corpus linguistics contribute to SLA research? with Susan Conrad and William Crawford at the Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), Tucson, AZ. October.
49. *Reppen, R. (2002). The American National Corpus: A resource for linguists. Invited Keynote presentation at the Fourth North American Symposium on Corpus Linguistics and Language Teaching, Indianapolis, Indiana. November.
48. *Reppen, R. (2002). Introduction to corpus design. Invited Workshop at the Fourth North American Symposium on Corpus Linguistics and Language Teaching, Indianapolis, Indiana. November.
47. Ide, N. & Reppen, R. (2002). The American National Corpus: More than the web can provide. A paper presented at Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Canary Islands. May.
46. *Reppen, R. (2002). Navajo and Spanish elementary students writing in English. A paper presented at the Language Learning and Language Teaching Meeting, Flagstaff, AZ. April.
45. *Reppen, R. (2002). Exploring the writing of Navajo and Spanish elementary students writing in English. A paper presented as part of a panel on Child to adult perspectives on writing development with Reynolds, D., Ferris, D., Ortega, L., Polio, C. & Hughes, A. at the TESOL Conference in Salt Lake, UT. April.
44. Reppen, R. (2001). Lexical diversity: What counts? A presentation at the Third North American Conference on Corpus Linguistics and Language Teaching, Boston, MA. March.
43. *Reppen, R. & Rilling, S. (2001). Computers and IEP Instruction. A workshop presented at the TESOL Conference in St. Louis, MO. February.
42. *Reppen, R. (2001). Corpus linguistics for teachers and materials writers. A paper presented as part of a panel with Biber, D., Clark, V., Cortes, V. & Csomay, E. at the TESOL Conference, St. Louis. February.
41. Reppen, R. (2001). Corpus-based materials development. A paper presented as part of a panel with Biber, D. Conrad, S. & McCarthy, M. at the TESOL Conference, St. Louis. February.
40. *Reppen, R. (2000). The Corpus and English Language Teaching. Invited plenary for Japan Association for English Corpus Studies. Itabashi, Japan. October.
39. *Reppen, R. (2000). A rationale and overview of the Program in Intensive English. A workshop presented at the AZ-TESOL Conference, Flagstaff, AZ. March.
38. Reppen, R. (2000). Looking backwards and forwards: Language Pedagogy. A paper presented at the State NAFSA Conference, Flagstaff, AZ. March.
37. Biber, D., Reppen, R., Clark, V., Walter, J., Cortes, V., Csomay, E., Balasubramanian, C., & Garcia, P. (2000). Construction, tagging, and fixtagging of a large corpus of spoken academic English. A paper presented at the Second North American Corpus Linguistics and Teaching Symposium, Flagstaff, AZ. March.
36. Reppen, R., Clark, V., & Walter, J. (2000). Design and construction of a corpus of spoken American academic English. A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Applied Linguistics, Vancouver, Canada. March.
35. *Reppen, R. (2000). Writing development of L1 English and Navajo Elementary student writing. Invited presentation at the University of Uppsala, Sweden. January .
34. Reppen, R. (1999). Writing across the curriculum: An IEP perspective. A paper presented at the Western States Composition Conference, Tempe, AZ. A panel with Gray-Rosendale, L., Boreen, J. Gruber, S. Rosendale, S. & Cahill, L. on Challenging the myths of WAC and WID: From the high school to the university. October.
33. Reppen, R. (1999). Computer-assisted language learning: Different perspectives. A paper presented at the AZ-TESOL Conference, Phoenix, AZ. March.
32. *Reppen, R. (1999). Elementary student writing development: Corpus-based perspectives. A paper presented at the First North American Symposium on corpora in linguistics and Language teaching, Ann Arbor, MI. May.
31. Reppen, R. (1998). Modals of obligation in L1 Navajo and L1 English third and sixth grade students. A paper presented at the LASSO Conference, Tempe, Arizona. A panel with S. Fitzmaurice & D. Biber on Subjectivity, scope and the interaction of negation and modality in English: Perspectives from grammar, corpus linguistics and child language.
30. Reppen, R. (1998). Current trends in ESL: The role of authentic material. A paper presented at the NAFSA State Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
29. Reppen, R. (1996). Language use in an L2 Learners' Corpus. A paper presented at the TESOL Conference, Chicago, IL.
28. Reppen, R. (1996). Corpus-based perspectives on Discourse Register variation in student and adult speech and writing. A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Applied Linguistics, Chicago, IL.
27. Reppen, R. (1995). Elementary student writing development: A corpus-based approach. A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Applied Linguistics, Long Beach, CA.
26. Biber, D., Conrad, S. & Reppen, R. (1995). Applying corpus-based research to ESL/EFL teaching. Paper presented at the TESOL Conference, Long Beach, CA.
25. *Reppen, R. (1995). Teaching and research: Utilizing theory in the ESL classroom. Invited Plenary presentation at the Inter-mountain TESOL Conference, Twin Falls, Idaho.
24. *Reppen, R. (1995). Integrating reading and writing in the content areas. A workshop presented at the Inter-mountain TESOL Conference, Twin Falls, Idaho.
23. Reppen, R. (1994). A multi-dimensional comparison of spoken and written registers produced by and for students. Paper presented at The Organization in Discourse Conference, Turku, Finland.
22. Reppen, R. (1994). Approaches to reading and writing in the content areas. A workshop for Jeddito School, Jeddito, Arizona.
21. Reppen, R. & Biber, D. (1994). A multi-dimensional comparison of elementary student spoken and written registers. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Applied Linguistics, Baltimore, Maryland.
20. Reppen, R. & Norfleet, L. (1994). Implementing a completely integrated culture‑based language program. Paper presented at the TESOL Convention, Baltimore, Maryland. Earlier version presented at the National Association of Foreign Student Administrators (NAFSA) Regional Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona. November 1993.
19. Reppen, R. & Biber, D. (1994). Register variation in elementary student speech, writing, and literature. Paper presented at the Fifth Annual Winter Text Conference, Jackson Hole, WY
18. Reppen, R. & Grabe, W. (1993). Comparing computer generated and handwritten fifth grade texts. A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
17. Connor, U., Capell, J., Eggington, W., Grabe, W., Kaplan, R., Folman, S., Reid, J., Reppen, R. & Ricento T. (1993). Intercultural literacy. A colloquium at the TESOL Convention, Atlanta, Georgia.
16. Reppen, R. (1993). Integrating content‑based approaches in Social Studies and Science. A presentation for the Elementary Education Interest Section, TESOL Convention, Atlanta, Georgia.
14. *Reppen, R. (1993). Integrated reading activities. A workshop presented at the University of Utah for Japanese English teachers.
13. Reppen, R. & Grabe, W. (1992). Subordination and coordination in elementary student writing. A paper presented at the Rocky Mountain Regional TESOL Conference, Denver, Colorado. An earlier version presented at the AZ‑TESOL Conference, Casa Grande, Arizona.
12. Reppen, R. (1992). Textbook genre models and student texts: A comparison. A paper presented at the Linguistic Association of the Southwest Conference, Tucson, Arizona.
11. Reppen, R. (1992). A genre‑based approach to L1/L2 content instruction. A paper presented at the AZ‑TESOL Conference, Casa Grande, Arizona.
10. Reppen, R. & Grabe, W. (1992). The importance of genre in elementary school writing. A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, Seattle, Washington.
9. Reppen, R. (1992). A genre‑based approach to content instruction. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Applied Linguistics Conference, Seattle, Washington.
8. Reppen, R. & Grabe, W. (1991). Genre and language variation in fifth grade student writing. A paper presented at the Rocky Mountain Regional TESOL Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
7. Reppen, R. & Grabe, W. (1991). Variation in elementary student writing. A paper presented at the Wyoming Conference on English, Laramie, Wyoming.
6. Reppen, R. (1991). Student genre and textbook genre: Exploring the connections. A paper presented at the AZ‑TESOL Conference, Tucson, Arizona.
5. Reppen, R. & Grabe. W. (1991). Error patterns in fifth grade English L1, L2 writing. A paper presented at the TESOL Convention, New York City, New York.
4. Reppen, R. & Grabe, W. (1990). Comparing English L1 and L2 elementary student writing. A paper presented at the TESOL Convention, San Francisco, California. March 1990. Earlier version presented at Rocky Mountain Regional TESOL, Phoenix, Arizona.
3. Reppen, R. & Grabe W. (1989). Comparing English L1 and L2 elementary student writing: A pilot study. A paper presented at the AZ‑TESOL Conference, Yuma, Arizona.
2. Hight, R., Reppen, R. & Stewart, C. (1989). ESL: A Panel Discussion. A presentation at the Yavapai College Regional Mini‑Conference, Flagstaff, Arizona.
1. Norfleet, L., Reppen, R. & Trillo, G. (1989). Developing biliteracy through the use of predictable books. A paper presented at AABE, Flagstaff, Arizona.