

17. PIE Research award Academic year (2011-2012) Productive vocabulary: A corpus of PIE learner writing. ($5,000)

16.  Northern Arizona University 2010 College of Arts and Letters Teacher of the Year

15.  ABOR Course Development grant. Kim McDonough PI (2009) co-developed online
version of ENG 559 ESL Methods for teaching Reading and Writing with Bill Grabe.

14.  National Science Foundation Grant # 0218609 (2002 - 2005) with Nancy Ide for
the linguistic analysis and validation of 10% of the American National Corpus. 

13.  Northern Arizona University E-Learning Fellowship (2004/05) for research on
aspects of on-line instruction (50% of salary replaced by grant)

12.  Northern Arizona University E-Learning Grant (2003) for development of on-line writing resources for ESL international students ($13,000)

11.  American National Corpus (2001-2002). Project Manager for the design and construction of a 100 million word balanced spoken and written corpus of American English ($30,500). 

10.  ACTR/ACCEL Partners in Education grant (Fall 2001)  Randi Reppen (PI), Lin Larson (Co-PI)  5 ½ week grant for Ukrainian teacher training ($23,260).

9.  ACTR/ACCEL Partners in Education grant (Spring 2000)  Randi Reppen (PI), Lin Larson (Co-PI) 5 ½ week grant for Ukrainian teacher training ($25,850).

8.  ACTR/ACCEL Partners in Education grant (Spring 1999)  Randi Reppen (PI), Lin Larson (Co-PI) 5 ½ week grant for Ukrainian teacher training ($25,850).

7.  ETS GRANT (1998 – 2000) with D. Biber (PI), S. Conrad, P. Byrd & M. Helt to create a corpus of  spoken and written academic language  ($400,000).

6.  ACTR/ACCEL Partners in Education grant (Spring 1999)  Randi Reppen (PI), Lin Larson (Co-PI) 5 ½ week grant for Ukrainian teacher training ($25,800).

5.  NAU Organized Research Grant (1999/00) to enter texts for a corpus of elementary student writing.   ($4,080)

4.  OTLE Grant (1999) to purchase Wordsmith concordancing software ($240).

3.   AZ‑TESOL's Cheryl Walsh Award to attend the 1990 TESOL Convention. 

2.   AZ‑TESOL's Professional Growth Award to attend the 1988 TESOL Summer Institute.

1.   Title VII Grant  1988‑1990 for an MA in Bilingual Multicultural Education.