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BA501 : The Class : Stats : Correlation : Excel
Excel and Equations
Excel and Equations

§ Excel and Equations §

Excel Commands- Excel in Office 97 and Office 2000

§ Correlation Coefficient (A) § Correlation Coefficient (B) §

§ Correlation Coefficient (C) § Data and Spreadsheet §

§ Two-Tailed Hypothesis Test § One Tail (Right) Hypothesis Test §

§ One Tail (Left) Hypothesis Test § Equations §

1. Correlation Coefficient

(A) Click the Paste Function-Statistical-Correl

(B) Click Paste Function-Statistical-Pearson

(C) Click Tools-Data Analysis-Correlation. If Data Analysis does not appear, then click Tools-Add-Ins and click the top two boxes, Analysis Toolpak and Analysis Toolpak-VBA.


2. Data and Spreadsheet for Hypothesis Testing on the Population Correlation Coefficient, Rho

(click me)

(A) Data:

(B) Spreadsheet:

(1) Correlation Coefficient. Click Paste Function-Statistical-Correl (as in 1. Correlation Coefficient above). A2:A6 and B2:B6 are the data. The D5 cell formula or r looks like the following:

(2) Calculated t*. D5 is the correlation coefficient, r. D7 is the number of ordered pairs, n. The D11 cell formula for t* looks like the following:


3. Two-Tailed Hypothesis Test on the Population Correlation Coefficient, Rho

(click me)


(A) Table t values. D9 is alpha. D10 is the degrees of freedom. The table t scores found in cell E29 have the following formula:

(B) P-value: D11 is t*. D10 is degrees of freedom. The p-value found in cell E30 is given by the following formula:

(C) Decision: E30 is the p-value. D9 is alpha. The hypothesis decision found in cell E31 has the following formula:

4. One Tail (Right) Hypothesis Test on the Population Correlation Coefficient, Rho

(click me)

(A) Table t value. D9 is alpha. D10 is the degrees of freedom. The table t score found in cell E23 has the following formula:

(B) P-value: D11 is t*. D10 is degrees of freedom. The p-value found in cell E24 is given by the following formula:

(C) Decision: E24 is the p-value. D9 is alpha. The hypothesis decision found in cell E25 has the following formula:

5. One Tail (Left) Hypothesis Test on the Population Correlation Coefficient, Rho

(click me)

(A) Table t value. D9 is alpha. D10 is the degrees of freedom. The table t score found in cell E15 has the following formula:

(B) P-value: D11 is t*. D10 is degrees of freedom. The p-value found in cell E16 is given by the following formula:

(C) Decision: E16 is the p-value. D9 is alpha. The hypothesis decision found in cell E17 has the following formula:

§ Equations §

§ Correlation Coefficient § Calculated t §

§ Two Tail Hypothesis Test § One Tail Hypothesis Test (Right) §

§ One Tail Hypothesis Test (Left) §

1. Correlation Coefficient

r = S[x - xbar][y - ybar] / [Ö S(x - xbar)²][Ö S(y - ybar)²]

= [S xy - (S x)(S y) / n] / Ö [S x² - (S x)² / n]Ö [S y² - (S y)² / n]

= SCPxy / Ö [SSx ]Ö [SSy ]

(a) SCPxy = [S xy - (S x)(S y) / n])

(b) SSx = [S x²- (S x)² / n]

(c) SSy = [S y²- (S y)² / n]

2. t* = r / Ö[(1 - r²) / (n - 2)]

3. Two Tail Hypothesis Test on the Correlation Coefficient, r

Ho: r = 0

Ha: r ¹ 0

Reject Ho if |t*| > t a / 2,(n - 2)

FTR(Support) Ho if |t*| £ t a / 2,(n - 2)

4. One Tail Hypothesis Test (Right) on the Population Correlation Coefficient, r

Ho: r £ 0

Ha: r > 0

Reject Ho if t* > t a , (n - 2)

FTR(Support) Ho if t* £ t a , (n - 2)


5. One Tail Hypothesis Test (Left) on the Population Correlation Coefficient, r

Ho: r ³ 0

Ha: r < 0

Reject Ho if t* < - t a ,(n - 2)

FTR(Support) Ho if t* ³ - t a ,(n - 2)

Once you have finished you should:

Go on to Home Work
Go back to Correlation Analysis: Activities and Assignments

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E-mail Dr. James V. Pinto at
or call (928) 523-7356. Use WebMail for attachments.

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