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BA501 : The Class : Stats : Hypothesis : Introduction
Hypothesis Testing: Introduction
Hypothesis testing is the second method of statistical inference

Introduction- Lesson 1

§ Introduction §

Hypothesis testing is the second method of statistical inference. Confidence interval calculation was the first. When using confidence intervals, there is an attempt to quantify the value of the unknown population parameter (m in our case) over a range of possible values based on a point estimate (xbar). Hypothesis testing is designed to estimate the probability of the sample result (xbar) occurring by chance, if the hypothesized value of the population parameter (the null hypothesis, Ho) is in fact correct. If the statistical distance between xbar and m is large, we will reject the Ho. The alternative hypothesis, (Ha) which is the opposite of the Ho is then supported. If the statistical distance between xbar and m is small, we will support the Ho.

§ Hypothesis § Null Hypothesis § Alternative Hypothesis §

§ Mistakes § Correct Decisions § Decision Table §

§ Five-Step Procedure § Confidence Intervals §

§ One-Tailed Test § p-Values §

1. Hypothesis-

An hypothesis is a claim, speculation, well educated guess, or testable hypothesis. When a testable hypothesis is evaluated with data, one can not prove that it is correct (or true). The researcher can find evidence to reject the hypothesis or to support (not prove) the hypothesis. One can "rule out" (reject) a hypothesis, but one can not prove that it is correct. Note (click me)

Question An hypothesis test is like a blood test to establish paternity, it can rule out but it can not rule in. True False (click one)

An hypothesis must be _________ or it is true by definition..
(insert answer)

2. Null Hypothesis ( Ho )-

A statement concerning a population parameter, or other non-mathematical statement. The researcher wishes to reject Ho. Note (click me)

Question The null hypothesis is assumed to be true unless shown to be otherwise. True False (click one)

A null hypothesis assumes that nothing ________ is going on i.e. that its hypothesized value is correct.
(insert answer)

3. Alternative Hypothesis ( Ha )-

The opposite of the null hypothesis. The hypothesis is supported if the null hypothesis is rejected. The researcher wishes to support Ha (also called the research hypothesis). Note (click me)

Question The alternative hypothesis has the same mathematical sign as null hypothesis. True False (click one)

The alternative hypothesis is ____ assumed to be correct.
(insert answer)

4. Mistakes: Type I and Type II Errors- since the total population is not used, there is always a chance that we have drawn the wrong conclusion based on the sample.

(A) a = the probability of rejecting Ho when Ho is true = Type I Error Note(click me)

[1] This is the same a used in earlier material, a = the probability of not capturing m in a CI. In this chapter, a is called the "level of significance."

(B) b = the probability of Failing To Reject ( support ) Ho when Ho is false = Type II Error Note (click me)

Question The Type I error = a can be reduced to zero. True False (click one)

If Ho is false but not known the the researcher, then one is likely to comment a Type ___ error.
(insert answer)

5. Correct Decisions

(A) Reject Ho when Ho is false; correct decision

(B) FTR ( support ) Ho when Ho is true; correct decision (FTR = Fail To Reject) Note (click me)

Question The researcher wishes to do which of the above? A B (click one)

One is never really ____ that the correct statistical decision has been made.
(insert answer)

6. Decision Table




Actual Situation

Reject Ho

FTR(support) Ho

Ho True

Type I Error (a)


Ho False


Type II Error (b)

Question The actual situation is always know. True False (click one)

It is ____ possible to comment Type I and Type II errors at the same time.
(insert answer)

7. The Five-Step Procedure for Hypothesis Testing- For a two-tail test

(A) Set up the Null Hypothesis, Ho, and Alternative Hypothesis, Ha.

Ho: µ = µo

Ha: µ ¹ µo Note (click me)

[1] The number to the right of the equal sign is always the claimed parameter value (never xbar ). This is true for both Ho and Ha. Note (click me)

[2] The signs used in Ho and Ha are always the mathematical opposites of each other. Some form of an "equal sign" ( = ) is always associated with the Ho (never Ha). Note (click me)

[3] Question: Is our statistic, xbar "close enough" to the claimed parameter value, µo, to FTR (support) Ho?

[a] We do not expect our estimate, xbar, to be exactly equal to the claimed parameter value, µ o. Note (click me)

[b] Is xbar "statistically close enough" to m o to believe the Ho? Use the standard error, sxbar or s xbar, and Z or t score to measure the statistical distance between them.

Question The sample mean, xbar, is placed in the middle of the distribution to start a hypothesis test. True False (click one)

An equal sign is never associated with the _____ hypothesis.
(insert answer)

(B) Define the test statistic. Use Z or t?

[1] Source of Standard Deviation- population or sample?

[2] Degrees of Freedom (n - 1)- Large or Small? Note (click me)

Population s

Sample s

Sample Size

Small df £ 30



Sample Size

Large df > 30


Z or t

[3] Use z or t to calculate the size of the difference between xbar and µ o.

Question The decision matrix presented here is the same as that used with confidence intervals. True False (click one)

Then the degrees of freedom are _____ it allows one to use either Z or t.
(insert answer)

(C) Define a region(s) of rejection based on a.

[1] What a can be tolerated? What percent of the time will you reject Ho when Ho is true?

[2] Use a = 0.05 when in doubt. Note (click me)

[3] For a two - tail test, each tail will have a / 2 in it.

[a] a/2 = 0.025

[b] 0.5 - a/2 = 0.5 - 0.025 = 0.4750 (look up in Z table)

[4] table value of test statistic ± Z0.025 = ± 1.96 ( critical value) Note (click me)

[a] The table value is always associated with a (never with xbar), is found in a Z (or t ) table with subscript a or a/2, and defines the region(s) of rejection.

Question The alpha used with confidence intervals and the alpha use in hypothesis test are different alphas. True False (click one)

For a two-tail hypothesis test, what Z score associated with a = 0.10.
(insert answer)

(D) Calculate the value of the test statistic and carry out the test

[1] The calculated (or computed ) value of the test statistic is always associated with xbar (never a), has a "star" next to it ( Z* or t*), and is calculated by you (not found in a table).

[2] Z* = [xbar - mo ] / [s /Ö n] or

t* = [xbar - mo ] / [s /Ö n] Note (click me)

[3] and carry out the test:

Large-Sample Two-Tailed Tests on the Population Mean

Ho: µ = µo

Ha: µ ¹ µo

Reject Ho if |Z*| > Z a /2

FTR (support) Ho if |Z*| £ Z a /2

Question Taking the absolue value of the computed value of the test statistic (Z* or t*) forces two-tail tests into the left end of the distribution. True False (click one)

When the computed value of the test statistic is equal to the table (critical) value, one must _____ the null hypothesis, Ho.
(insert answer)

(E) Give a conclusion in terms of the original problem or question. Note(click me)

8. Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Testing

(A) A confidence interval can be used to do hypothesis testing for two -tailed tests (only). Note (click me)

(B) a is split into two parts (a / 2) for both CIs and two-tailed hypothesis test.

(C) Rules:

(1) If the claimed µo lies within the CI, then (FTR) support H o.

(2) If the claimed µ o lies outside the CI, then reject H o

Question The use of confidence intervals to do hypothesis tests applies to one-tail test in addition to two-tail test. True False (click one)

The results of an hypothesis test using a confidence interval may change if _____ (probability of not capturing hypothesized parameter value) changes.
(insert answer)

9. One-Tailed Test for the Mean of a Population (both Z and t)

(A) The major difference of two-tailed and one-tailed hypothesis tests is:

(1) two-tailed, split to give a / 2 in each tail.

(2) one-tailed, do not split. Put entire a into left tail or right tail.

(a) Put in the left tail when Ha has an "less than" sign (<) Note (click me)

(b) Put in the right tail when Ha has an "greater than" sign (>) Note(click me)

(B) Rules:

Large-Sample One-Tailed (left) Tests on the Population Mean

Ho: µ ³ µo

Ha: µ < µ o

Reject H o if Z* < - Za

FTR(Support) H o if Z* ³ - Za

Large-Sample One-Tailed (right) Tests on the Population Mean

Ho: µ £ µo

Ha: µ > µ o

Reject H o if Z* > Za

FTR(Support) H o if Z* £ Za

Question On which end of the distribution would xbar fall in order to find extreme statistical evidence against a Ho: µ ³ µo? Right Left (click one)

In the question above, all of alpha to form the region of rejection this place in the ______ tail of the distribution.
(insert answer)

10. Reporting Testing Results Using a p-Values

(A) The p-value is the probability associated with the calculated ( computed ) Z* (or t*).

(1) It is the area in the tail of the distribution beyond Z* or t*.

(2) Procedure for Finding the p-value:

(a) For Ha: m ¹ m o, p-value = ( 2 )(area outside Z* or t*) Note (click me)

(b) For Ha: m > m o, p-value = area to right of Z* or t* Note (click me)

(c) For Ha: m < m o, p-value = area to left of Z* or t* (click me)

(3) The p-value is the value of a at which the hypothesis test procedure changes conclusions based on a given set of data. Note (click me)

(4) It is the largest value of a for which you will FTR ( support ) Ho. Note (click me)

Question A p-value is a probability found under the curve of a distribution just like any other probability. True False (click one)

Suppose a p-value calculation gives the probability to the left end of the distribution. This indicates an alternative hypothesis test with a _____ _____ inequality.
(insert answer)

(B) Rules when a is given:

(1) Reject H o if p-value < a

(a) If the p-value < a , then Z* or t* does falls in the tail created by the table Z or t; therefore, Reject Ho. Note (click me)

(2) FTR ( support ) H o if p-value ³ a

(a) If the p-value ³ a , then Z* or t* does not fall in the tail created by the table Z or t; therefore, FTR (support) Ho. Note (click me)

Question P-values and alphas are both probabilities. True False (click one)

When alpha equals the p-value, one must _____ the null hypothesis, Ho.
(insert answer)

(C) If a is not known, use the General Rules of Thumb:

(1) Reject Ho if p-value is small (p-value < 0.01) Note (click me)

(a) Most levels of significance (a) chosen are > 0.01; therefore, when p-value < 0.01, reject Ho, since p-value would be < a.

(2) FTR ( support ) Ho if p-value is large (p-value > 0.10) Note (click me)

(a) Most levels of significance (a) chosen are £ 0.10; therefore, when p-value > 0.10, FTR( support ) Ho, since p-value would be > a.

(3) Test inconclusive if: (0.01 £ p-value £ 0.10 )

(a) Most levels of significance (a) chosen are between 0.01 and 0.10; therefore, the test is inconclusive, since the p-value could be on either side of a. Note (click me)

Question A small p-value indicates that the computed value of the test statistic (Z* or t*) would most likely not fall in the tail created by the table (critical) value of the test statistic (if provided). True False (click one)

When a p-value is ______ it would be most likely that computed value of the test statistic (Z* or t*) would not fall in the tail created by the table (critical) value of the test statistic (if provided).
(insert answer)

(D) Finding p-value using t Note (click me)

(1) go to t table

(2) find df row in problem: df = n - 1

(3) locate the value of t* on that row

(4) Note: probabilities are given by the subscript in t a at top of columns

Question A p-value calculated using a t table many times results in a range of values instead of a single value. True False (click one)

When a p-value may be calculated using either a Z* or t* (used in a standard t table), which is most likely to given the most accurate answer?
(insert answer)

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