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BA501 : The Class : Stats : Continuous : Examples
Continuous Distribution- Examples


§ Continuous Probability §

Lesson 2- Examples

§ 1.  P[0 £ Z £ z1] § 2. P[- z1 £ Z £ 0] §

§ 3. P[- z1 £ Z £ z2] § 4. P[Z £ z1] §

§ 5. P[Z ³ - z1] § 6. P[Z ³ z1] § 7. P[Z £ - z1] §

§ 8. P[z1 £ Z £ z2] § 9. P[- z1 £ Z £ - z2] §

§ Examples 10 - 13 §

Example 1

P[0 £ Z £ z1] = P[ 0 £ Z £ 1.5 ] = 0.4332 See figure below.  Look up 1.5 in the Z table to get the answer. Note (click me).  Use Excel to solve this problem.

Question What probability does Excel give associated with Z =< 1.5? 0.9332 0.0668 (click one)

Example 2

P[- z1 £ Z £ 0] = P[ - 1.5 £ Z £ 0 ] = 0.4332   You can look up the positive version of Z = 1.5 in the Z table to get the answer since negative Zs are not in this table. Note (click me). Use Excel to solve this problem.

Question What probability does Excel give associated with Z =< - 1.5? 0.9332 0.0668 (click one)

Example 3

P[- z1 £ Z £ z2] = P[ - 1.5 £ Z £ 1.5 ] = 0.4332 + 0.4332 = 0.8664   You can  look up Z = 1.5 in the Z table and multiply it by 2 to get the answer. Note (click me). Use Excel to solve this problem.

Question In Excel one must subtract the probability associated with Z =< -1.5 from the probability associated with Z =< 1.5 to get the answer of 0.8664. True False (click one)

Example 4

P[Z £ z1] = P[Z £ 1.5 ] = 0.5 + 0.4332 = 0.9332    You can look up Z = 1.5 in the Z table and add the left side of the distribution (0.5000) to get the answer. Note (click me). Use Excel to solve this problem.

Question In Excel the answer to the last example is obtained in one step. True False (click one)

Example 5

P[Z ³ - z1] = P[Z ³ - 1.5 ] = 0.5 + 0.4332 = 0.9332    You can look up Z = 1.5 in the Z table and add the right side of the distribution (0.5000) to get the answer. Note (click me) Use Excel to solve this problem.

Question In Excel the answer to the last example is obtain in one step. True False (click one)

Example 6

P[Z ³ z1] = P[Z ³ 1.5 ] = 0.5 - 0.4332 = 0.0668    You can look up Z = 1.5 in the Z table and subtract that probability from the right side of the distribution (0.5) to get the answer.  Note (click me). Use Excel to solve this problem.

 Question In Excel the answer to the last example is obtain in one step. True False (click one)

Example 7

P[Z £ - z1] = P[Z £ - 1.5 ] = 0.5 - 0.4332 = 0.0668     You can look up the positive version Z = 1.5 in the Z table and subtract that probability from the left side of the distribution (0.5) to get the answer. Note (click me). Use Excel to solve this problem.

 Question In Excel the answer to the last example is obtain in one step. True False (click one)

Example 8

P[z1 £ Z £ z2] = P[ 1.0 £ Z £ 1.5 ] = 0.4332 - 0.3413 = 0.0919    You can  look up Z = 1.5 in the Z table and subtract from that probability the probability associated with Z = 1.0 to get the answer. Note (click me). Use Excel to solve this problem.

Question In Excel one must subtract the probability associated with Z =< 1.0 from the probability associated with Z =< 1.5 to get the answer of 0.0919. True False (click one)

Example 9

P[- z1 £ Z £ - z2] = P[ -.1.5 £ Z £ - 1.0 ] = 0.4332 - 0.3413 = 0.0919     You can look up Z = 1.5 in the Z table and subtract that probability from the probability associated with Z = 1.0 to get the answer.  Use Excel to solve this problem.

Question In Excel one must subtract the probability associated with Z =< -1.5 from the probability associated with Z =< -1.0 to get the answer of 0.0919. True False (click one)

Examples 10 - 13

§ 10. P[Z £ z1] = 0.90 § 11. P[Z £ - z1] = 0.15 §

§ 12. (a) P[x > 300] (b) P[225 £ X £ 300] §

§ 13. P[X £ xo] = 0.75 §

Download Examples 10 - 13 to save to disk. (optional)

Example 10

Find the value of z for the following probability statement.

P[Z £ z1] = 0.90 Note (click me)

= 0.50 + 0.40 Note (click me)

Look up 0.4000 in the body of the Z table to find the associated Z score.

z1 = 1.28

Use Excel to solve this problem.

Question In Excel which command is used to give a Z score given that you have a known probability? Normsdist Normsinv (click one)

Example 11

Find the value of z for the following probability statement.

P[Z £ - z1] = 0.15 Note (click me)

= 0.50 - 0.35 Note (click me)

Look up 0.3500 in the body of the Z table to find the associated Z score.

z1 = - 1.04

Use Excel to solve this problem.

Question In Excel one would look up 0.3500 using the Normsinv command to obtain the Z score, Z = - 1.04. True False (click one)

Example 12 (a)

Assume a normally distributed population of the life time of batteries with mean life time 250 minutes and standard deviation 25 minutes when used in an ordinary toy.

(a) What is the probability that a battery has a life time greater than 300 minutes when used in an ordinary toy?

m = 250

s = 25

P[x > 300] = P(Z ³ [x - m] / s ) Note (click me)

= P(Z ³ [ 300 - 250] / 25)

= P(Z ³ 50 / 25 )

= P(Z ³ 2.0 )

= 0.5 - 0.4772 Note (click me)

= 0.0228

Use Excel to solve this problem.

Question In Excel which command is used to give a probabilty given that you have a known Z score? Normsdist Normsinv (click one)

Example 12 (b)

What is the probability that a battery has a life time between 225 and 300 minutes when used in an ordinary toy?

m = 250

s = 25

P[225 £ X £ 300] = P([ x1 - m]s£ Z £ [x2 - m ] / s )

= P( 225 - 250 ] / 25 £ Z £ [ 300 - 250] / 25) Note (click me)

= P(- 25 / 25 £ Z £ 50 / 25)

= P( - 1.0 £ Z £ 2.0 )

= 0.3413 + 0.4772

= 0.8185

Use Excel to solve this problem.

Question In Excel one would substract the probability associated with Z = -1.0 from the probability associated with Z = 2.0 to obtain the answer 0.8185. True False (click one)

Example 13

Assume a normally distributed population of the life time of batteries with mean lifetime 250 minutes and standard deviation 25 minutes when used in an ordinary toy. After what number minutes will 75% of the of the batteries be dead when used in an ordinary toy?

m = 250

s = 25

P[X £ xo] = 0.75 Note (click me)

0.75 - 0.5 = 0.2500 Note (click me)

Look up 0.2500 in the body of the Z table to find the associated Z score.

zo = 0.67

zo = [xo - m] / s Note (click me)

0.67 = [xo - 250] / 25

xo = 250 + [25][ 0.67 ] = 250 + 16.75 = 266.75

Use Excel to solve this problem.

Question In Excel which command is used to give an "x" value given that you have a known probability? Normdist Norminv (click one)

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