Variational and Topological Methods
Theory, Applications, Numerical Simulations, and Open Problems

Tuesday June 5th - Friday 8th, 2018

Official Registration Now Open

Secure Conference Registration Website
The early registration fee of $140 PhDs / $80 graduate students is payable by credit card, e-check, or by mailing in a check upon checkout.

----> Conference Poster <----

Principal Speakers

Monica ClappInstituto de Matemticas, UNAM
Stephen B. RobinsonWake Forest University
Djairo de Figueiredo The University of Campinas, Brasil
Jianxin ZhouTexas A&M


John M.

Conference Proceedings EJDE (Electronic Journal of Differential Equations)

If you have been invited to give a talk or would like to be considered to contribute a talk, please submit an abstract through the ATLAS abstract server website by April 30, 2018.

The official secure registration website is now open. After registration, submitted abstracts will be added to the program.

More Information

The emphasis of the conference will be in Nonlinear Elliptic PDE and related Boundary Value Problems, particularly those applying Variational and/or Topological Methods. There will be a series of 1-hour talks given by the principal speakers, and a general sessions of 30-45- minute talks. The first three "Variational conferences" held at NAU in June 2002, May 2007 and June 2012 were successful, establishing a balance between Analysis, Applications, and Numerical Methods, in an environment where established international experts exchange ideas with graduate students and new PhDs. Talks will cover a range of topics, including background material, surveys of recent results, and relevant techniques. Participants are encouraged to state open problems and summarize techniques which might be used to investigate such problems.

There will be a reception Tuesday June 5th 2018, daily refreshments, and a partial-day excursion to a local scenic spot for a picnic. On Saturday June 9th, the day after the conference is over, there will be an optional, inexpensive full-day excursion to the Grand Canyon. Many of you will want to extend your stay some days to plan your own Southwest adventure. Please indicate your interest when registering.

Travel Support

At this time, we have obtained modest conference support from NAU and are committed to holding a successful conference. We are awaiting word concerning a grant proposal submitted to the National Science Foundation. If awarded, we will fund to a high degree the travel and local expenses of student and new PhD participants; underrepresented persons will be encouraged to request aid. To the degree we are able and based on need, some limited local support might be available to other participants. Preference will be given to applicants who are registered, giving a talk, and do not have their own institutional support. It is expected to know the status of the award for travel funding in mid-to-late Spring 2018 at which time requests for support will be officially considered.

Preliminary requests for support for dorm and hotel rooms, full or partial airfare, and reimbursement of registration fees may be emailed to John.Neuberger@NAU.Edu. When the NSF award status is known, potential applicants will be directed to fill out a travel support form which will be linked to this website.

Lodging Information

We have reserved a block of rooms under the name "Variational Methods Conference" or "Math Conference." A selection of rooms will be held until mid May, after which time the conference rate may no longer be available.

Getting to Flagstaff

We are 2 hours north by car from Phoenix (PHX airport). You can:

Meeting Rooms / Map

The meeting and registration area will be by rooms #17 and #18 of
Building 82, the Southwest Forest Science Complex ,on Pine Knoll Dr. at the South end of the Northern Arizona University Campus. The meeting rooms are near the main South entrance of the Forestry Building.

Area Experience

We will be taking a short excursion to a nearby scenic spot. The cost for participants will be included in the registration fee; additional guests will be welcome for a small additional fee. There will be an optional excursion to the Grand Canyon on Saturday June 9th. The fee for for this will also be modest; additional guests welcome. See future registration form for more details. Regardless, we hope that you will find the time to see some of our fantastic geographical region!

Suggested restaurants
Suggested local attractions
Local Area Cameras
Local Attractions

Past Conferences



Principal Speakers:
Monica ClappInstituto de Matemticas, UNAM
Pavel DrabekUniverzita v Plzni, Czech Republic
Jacques GiacomoniUniversite de Pau
Jean-Michael RakotosonUniversite de Poitiers
Peter TakacUniversitat Rostock